Rachael Collier
Psychodynamic Psychotherapist

Making the decision to look for psychotherapy and finding the right person to talk to can be life changing.
People seek out therapy for so many different reasons. It might be for help with overwhelming feelings of anxiety and depression. Or a little nagging voice at the back of the mind that says that now is the right time to talk to someone. Or something quite clear and sudden has happened.
Therapy is somewhere you can come to talk, confidentially, about whatever it is that affects you. After all, at the end of the day, we all deserve to have a life where we feel secure and a future that we can look forward to. But in reality there are times when this simply isn't the case.
Words can be found that help to make sense of confusing feelings and experiences. Relief and recovery can lead to new ways of being.

My Approach

At the heart of our work together is respect and care.
Time spent in psychotherapy means having a place to be heard but also some space to begin to understand ourselves and the world around us.
Therapy facilitates growth of all kinds - from gaining insight into patterns of behaviour and thinking through to relating to others and ourselves. It enables the right words to be found to help make sense of confusing emotional experience.
Whether you are looking for therapy because you have a specific topic you want to talk about, or because of how you feel in general - these are all important places for us to begin.